A more detailed explanation of what is required will be found in the application. This serves to provide a general idea of the process.
A more detailed explanation of what is required will be found in the RFA. This serves to provide a general idea of the process.
Step 1: Eligibility Verification
Prospective applicants must complete the Letter of Intent & Pre-Application Eligibility Verification form via the UAPCS Federal CSP SurveyMonkey Application Portal. Applicants will be asked to verify that they have applied to an authorized chartering agency for a new school, expansion, or replication and meet federal definitions for a charter school and developer (ESEA § 4310). Those seeking replication or expansion funding must qualify as a high-quality charter school. Additionally, applicants must have nonprofit status, and must have notified their authorizer of intent to apply. Previous CSP funding recipients for the same purpose are not eligible. UAPCS will verify applicant eligibility within five business days, only applicants who meet the eligibility requirements will receive access to the full application.
Step 2: Technical Assistance
Attendance at mandatory technical assistance webinars is required. Recordings will be available for reference.
Anyone working within the Grant must attend, that should include board members and admin teams.
For assistance, contact csp@utahcharters.org.
Step 3: Application Submission
Step 4: Application Formatting & Budget
For detailed allowable costs, please use ALLOWABLE COSTS GUIDE, SPRING 2025.
ESEA § 4303(h) LOCAL USES OF FUNDS states: An eligible applicant receiving a subgrant under this section shall use such funds to support the activities described in subsection (b)(1), which shall include one or more of the following activities:
All expenditures must be:
Examples of allowable costs:
The following outlines expenses that are not permitted to be funded through CSP grant funds. It is important to carefully review this list to ensure compliance with grant guidelines and avoid disallowed expenditures.
These lists are not exhaustive but provide examples of common expenses that cannot be funded through grant funds. For additional information on allowable and unallowable costs, refer to the OMB’s Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 and to the UCSP-Allowable-Cost-Guide-2025.pdf.
For the purpose of the Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant, Utah will align its definition of lottery preferences with the lottery exemptions as determined by the Federal Government. This ensures consistency in enrollment practices and compliance with federal regulations while maintaining equitable access to charter school opportunities.
When applications exceed capacity, schools must use a statistically random method to select students in a random lottery to ensure equitable access. Schools must include a policy or plan for recruiting students that targets all segments of the community and hold one lottery that provides qualified students with an equal opportunity to attend the school.
Lottery exemption categories include the following:
The subgrantees will conduct a single, unified lottery that provides all qualified students with an equal opportunity to attend, in compliance with CSP grant requirements. No separate lotteries will be held based on gender or any other classification. The admissions process will be open, transparent, and aligned with federal and state regulations to ensure equitable access for all applicants. Students not selected through the lottery will be placed on a waitlist. All admissions must comply with public school anti-discrimination laws to ensure fair and inclusive practices. Where discrepancies exist between federal and Utah state laws, federal regulations take precedence.
Utah law allows charter schools to utilize a weighted lottery (Utah Code §53G-6-502(8)). The use of a weighted lottery falls within the scope and objectives of the approved grant project, as it serves to enhance fairness and inclusivity in the selection process while maintaining compliance with applicable regulations and funding requirements. To utilize the weighted lottery, the process must be included in the applicant’s authorized charter agreement and be overseen by the authorizer. The weighted lottery gives a slightly better chance of admission to educationally disadvantaged students (ESEA §4303(c)(3)(A), Utah Code §53G-6-502(8)). However, a weighted lottery may not be used to create a school that will exclusively serve a particular subset of students or to guarantee a certain number of seats for a particular subset of students.
Weight categories may include:
Low-income students
Students with disabilities;
English learners
Migrant students;
neglected or delinquent students;
homeless students.
If a weighted lottery is included, please describe the process in its entirety, including the lottery timeline (refer to Lottery Process (vii) in Part 2. Additional Federal or Utah weighted lottery categories may exist; however, for the purpose of this grant, only those categories that overlap between Federal and Utah requirements will be honored.
If a weighted lottery is included, the process will be conducted in a fair and transparent manner, with a clearly defined timeline in accordance with the Lottery Process (vii) outlined in Part 2. The weighted lottery will be designed to provide a modest advantage to identified student populations while ensuring compliance with both Federal and Utah requirements. The weights will be carefully calibrated to align with the objectives of the approved grant project, slightly increasing the chances of admission for targeted groups without significantly altering overall lottery outcomes. Only those weighted categories that overlap between Federal and Utah requirements will be honored. This approach promotes equitable access while maintaining transparency and adherence to all applicable regulations and funding requirements.
A charter school may not discriminate in the charter school's admission policies or practices on the same basis as other public schools may not discriminate in admission policies and practices, and the lottery may not be used to create a school that exclusively serves a particular subset of students. The authorized public chartering agency will review, approve, or monitor specific lottery practices, including the use of weight amounts.
This section outlines the key components of the application narrative that applicants must address to provide a comprehensive overview of their school’s goals and strategies. These components are designed to assess your school’s plans for serving diverse student populations, engaging families and communities, managing financial resources, and ensuring academic success.
Applicants should provide detailed responses to each question to demonstrate alignment with the objectives of the CSP grant and the school’s long-term viability. The Project Design section will be worth a total of 102 points, with points awarded based on the rubric found in Table 9 of the appendix. To be considered for one of the competitive awards, applicants must score at least 90 points. Additionally, competitive preference points may be earned beyond the 102 possible points.
Applicants are also required to submit a lottery enrollment policy that includes essential elements for a fair and equitable recruitment and enrollment process. The application must include a detailed outline of the school’s recruitment strategies to engage all segments of the parent community. Recruitment efforts should be inclusive, non-discriminatory, and ensure that all families have access to information about enrollment opportunities. UAPCS encourages schools to implement equitable practices throughout the enrollment process, with a strong commitment to fairness and inclusivity. Any required supporting documents must be uploaded to the UAPCS Federal CSP SurveyMonkey Application Portal.
Note: Applicant and school information will be prepopulated using information from the Letter of Intent & Pre-Application Eligibility Verification form.
Project Design (15pts.)
Project Goals (6pts.)
Plan for Serving Student Needs (9 pts.)
Family and Community Involvement (9 pts.)
Community Support and Demand (9 pts.)
3. Transportation Plan: (6 pts.)
4. Lottery Process (6 pts.)
This policy should address the following essential elements:
The school’s lottery policy must be uploaded in UAPCS Federal CSP SurveyMonkey Application Portal.
Schools must include a plan for recruiting students that targets all segments of the community and hold one lottery that provides qualified students with an equal opportunity to attend the school. Recruitment efforts must not discriminate based on race, color, national origin (including English learners), religion, sex, or disability. UAPCS encourages charter schools to prioritize equitable practices and ensure all families have access to information about enrollment opportunities.
If waitlists are used, the subgrantee will provide a clear explanation of the process for offering seats to students as they become available. This will include specific timelines for when students on the waitlist will be notified and offered enrollment opportunities. The subgrantee will maintain a fair and consistent method for offering seats, ensuring that all families are informed of their status in a timely manner. This process will be described on the school’s website and other appropriate channels.
5. Governance, Autonomy and Project Administration (12 pts.)
6. Financial Management (15 pts.)
Budget Narrative:
7. Competitive Preference Priorities (up to 10 pts. Optional)
ESP/CMO/EMO/Vendor Contracts (if applicable): Include contracts for any educational service providers or key vendors as outlined on page 15 in Section 1 of the RFA.
Applicants must provide clear and data-driven enrollment projections that align with the proposed charter school’s mission, target population, and operational plans.
As part of the CSP subgrant application process, all applicants must complete a self-risk assessment. This assessment is designed to evaluate the applicant’s capacity to successfully implement the grant and meet compliance requirements. The self-risk assessment will not be accessible to peer reviewers.
Application Phase: Self-Risk Assessment
As part of the application for the UAPCS CSP grant, the subgrantee will be required to complete a form in SurveyMonkey Apply to certify the following assurances and commitments. These assurances ensure compliance with all relevant federal and state regulations, guidelines, and expectations for the proper use of grant funds. The subgrantee certifies that all information provided in the application is accurate and that the grant funds will be used solely for the purposes outlined in the grant proposal. Additionally, the subgrantee acknowledges their responsibility for adhering to the monitoring, reporting, and evaluation requirements stipulated by the grant program. This portion of the application must be signed by the Project Director and the Board Chair in SurveyMonkey Apply.
Subgrantee recipients will participate in all data reporting and evaluation activities as requested or required by the U.S. Department of Education, UAPCS, and the school’s authorizer, including on-site and desktop monitoring conducted by UAPCS (see UAPCS website for monitoring information), annual independent audits required by the state that are publicly reported and include financial statements prepared with generally accepted accounting principles, annual reports, and a final expenditure report for the use of subgrant funds. This section includes participation in any federal or state-funded charter school research or evaluations. Failure to submit required information may result in a withholding of grant funds or a non-renewal of subsequent year(s) funding within the project period.
Subgrantee recipients will comply with all Utah laws and administrative rules regarding staff certification and licensure.
Subgrantee recipients will comply with federal laws, including but not limited to, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), Section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g) (commonly referred to as the ‘Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974’), and Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Compliance also includes adherence to federal regulations applicable to the federal Charter Schools Program, such as the Education Department General Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 75-77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 97, 98, and 99, the Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR part 180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the U.S. Department of Education in 2 CFR part 3485, and The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR Part 200, as adopted and amended in 2 CFR part 3474.
Subgrantee recipients will comply with all provisions of the Charter Schools Program of the U.S. Department of Education, including compliance with the Nonregulatory Guidance for CSP funds.
Subgrantees will participate in the required Federal programs in which the school and students are eligible to participate.
Each Subgrantee receiving CSP funding will disclose, as part of the enrollment process, any policies and requirements (e.g., purchasing and wearing specific uniforms and other fees, or requirements for family participation), and any services that are or are not provided, that could impact a family’s ability to enroll or remain enrolled in the school (e.g., transportation services or participation in the National School Lunch Program) (2022 NFP).
Subgrantee will provide annual performance and enrollment data for the student body and subgroups of students to UAPCS for grant reporting.
It is the responsibility of each subgrantee that receives funds under this grant to comply with all required federal assurances. Any charter school that is deemed to be in noncompliance with federal statute and fails to address areas of noncompliance will not be funded. Funded schools will be expected to cooperate with UAPCS in the development of certain reports to meet federal guidelines and requirements. Funded projects will be required to maintain appropriate fiscal and program records. Funded schools will be required to participate in desktop and on-site monitoring activities. If any findings of misuse of funds are discovered, project funds must be returned to UAPCS. UAPCS may terminate a grant award upon thirty days’ notice if it is deemed that the school is not fulfilling the funded program as specified in the approved project or has not complied with the signed assurances.
Subgrantee will ensure that all faculty, staff and governing board members have completed and maintained current criminal background checks in compliance with Utah state law and federal requirements. Background checks will be conducted before a governing board member assumes their role, renewed as required by law or policy, and records verifying successful completion will be maintained and provided upon request for compliance monitoring and auditing.
Subgrantee will be aware of and comply with Executive Order 13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,” October 1, 2009, by acknowledging that grant recipients and their personnel are prohibited from text messaging while driving a government-owned vehicle, or while driving their privately owned vehicle during official grant business, or from using government-supplied electronic equipment to text message or email when driving.
Subgrantee and its authorizer certify that any CSP subgrant deliverable created in whole, or in part, with federal CSP funds will be openly and publicly licensed, unless otherwise excepted, per 2 CFR part 3474.20(c).
Subgrantee is required to adhere to Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, as implemented as 2 CFR 180.200, which requires that recipients do not employ or use contractors that are indicated on the federal debarment listing.
Financial Control and Audit Assurances
Subgrantee shall maintain accounting records and procedures in accordance with state and federal requirements that ensure proper disbursement of and accounting for federal funds, including evidence pertaining to costs incurred, with the provision that the records shall be kept available by the grantee during the grant period and thereafter for five full years from the date of final payment. The school agrees to submit upon request for audit, review, and inspection its activities, books, documents, papers, and other records relating to the expenditures of CSP subgrant proceeds.
Subgrantee will use an independent auditor for annual audits of financial statements that are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and ensure that the audits are publicly reported.
Subgrantee will ensure that the awarded grant funds will be spent or encumbered by September 30 of each grant year, unless extenuating circumstances warrant an extension request.
Subgrantees are required to keep and maintain all equipment purchased with grant funds in accordance with federal law and regulation (2 CFR 200.313). The subgrantee will ensure that all equipment and assets purchased with subgrant funds are labeled as secured with CSP funds. Should the charter school close, UAPCS will ensure appropriate disposal of assets purchased under this grant.
Subgrantee budget should not exceed the approved budget line items by more than a total of 10 percent of the total project period award. Budget amendments must be approved by UAPCS prior to expenditure or obligation of those funds, or they will not be reimbursed for the excess amount.