We had over 1000 students, teachers, administrators, and parents!
Read all about it HERE!
See all the photos from Charter Day on the Hill during National School Choice Week 2020-now.
Schools may begin setting up their table. Tables are 6' long standard banquet tables. There will be no electricity available.
Schools will meet with tour guides at times assigned about two weeks before the event. Groups work best with about 20-25 people/group.
Students will gather with t-shirts and scarves on the east stairs of the Capitol rotunda.
Here is where we celebrate! After a flag presentation and the Pledge of Allegiance, we hear from state leaders, school leaders, and show our support for school choice with a large group picture.
Our talented public charter school students will show off! We have performances from song to spoken word, dance to choreographed jump rope.
We strongly encourage board members, directors, and students to attend as we find that legislators are most interested in talking to them and understanding their different perspectives.
Please have your students send personal email invitations for your local legislators to stop by and visit during the event (best time between 12-2pm). Please include in the subject line: Information from a school in your district (or something along those lines). You can locate your representatives and senators assigned to your school by visiting: https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp.
Day of the Event:
Set up begins at 8am. We have the Rotunda from 7am-2pm, including set-up and clean-up, so we have to move in quickly to get things set up at the table. Please grab legislative cards from the tables in front of the House and Senate chambers if you arrive for a tour before the event begins. These cards will be delivered to the legislators and remind them that your students are in the building today. We can’t guarantee that every legislator will have time in their schedule to visit, but we will do everything we can to make sure they get the information.
The legislature is in session until 12pm so we will have to keep the noise down so as not to disturb them.
We are pleased to have Charter Day on the Hill sponsored by:
To provide financial or in-kind sponsorship, please contact Debby Llewelyn at debby@utahcharters.org or Gina James at gina@utahcharters.org.