SB 267: We met with Senator Johnson this week regarding this bill. There was concern about the first iteration of this bill and the costs going to the schools from this bill. Royce is working closely with SCSB and legislators on this.
HB 219: The credit enhancement bill hasn’t received a no vote. Things seem to be going well for its passing. The appropriation of $4M needs to be approved.
HB 303: This bill on public school directory sharing was heard in the House Education committee this morning. There were a couple of amendments to get it out of committee: 1) Information released is narrowed to not include students’ names. The information released will be parent’s name and address and student grade. 2) LEA can request information from an LEA if the requesting LEA has a building within 50 miles of the source LEA. This prevents statewide requests from online schools. The compromises were necessary to get something passed. We anticipate that HB 303 will be on the house floor in the middle of next week.
HB 40, S4: School safety bill amendments include updates regarding window film. As more information on the efficacy of window film has come out, the bill will require safety glazed glass (2-4xs more expensive than window film) as that is more effective than film. We are still unsure about the appropriations going to help pay for this more expensive options. Since revenue projections are down (even from December projections) it is doubtful that there will be money appropriated to fund everything, including ongoing money for the guardian program.
SB 102: The sunset dates in the bill are to set dates for review and not necessarily to cancel the programs. In the 7th substitute they removed professional staff costs, but those costs were recommended by the Ed Appropriations committee. The money for that program, if passed, will be redistributed on a per pupil basis to all LEAs.
HB 402: Foods available at schools in this bill will remove foods with certain additives and dyes. The estimate for this would increase school lunch costs of 10-30%. They are working to stop this bill in committee next Tuesday. We may send out an email on Monday to indicate opposition of this bill.
If you have other bills of concern, please let us know!
PDF of Watchlist
Legislative Updates 2/7/25
During first 2 ½ weeks of the legislative session, appropriations subcommittees go through as much of their relevant budgets as possible. The education appropriations committee look at new funding requests and are paying attention to cash balances of school districts, this conversation will continue over the summer.
By Tuesday, the education subcommittee will submit recommendations to the executive appropriations committee. There will be more requests than money available. Top of the priority list of PEA (public education appropriations) is another 1% increase in WPU (already approved at 4%). We don’t know if will be funded, there is little ongoing money available. The next request is $400M toward ongoing funding requests. Some may get funded. On the one-time side, we are likely to see $380-400M requested for projects to be funded that haven’t already been funded. They are seeking for Paid Professional hours to continue. The State Board of Education asked for a reduced amount of funding for school safety today and lowered the ask to $50M from $100M.
There was a question about available money for school safety grants. School safety grants submitted recently will be paid from money appropriated last year. This request will affect grants for next year, after Oct 15. Why reduced? State board reduced their requests to reflect what they think will be available. Royce thinks school safety will still be closer to $100M. Reduced ask from USBE will most likely not influence the requirements of the bill. We don’t see a path for new money to support armed security guard on going. There is another school safety bill, not as substantive as last year, that changes school safety assessment date to Oct 15 rather than Dec 31.
Overall, the education committees are moving very slowly, including not meeting as frequently. Not many bills are moving out of House Rules.
HB 218/219: By a human error, the text of HB 218 was stuck into HB 219. HB 219 passed (which was essentially HB 218) by the House Education committee. HB 219 will essentially not continue and be considered this year. HB 218 (old bill, now HB 219) was the priority bill, so it will still help more schools receive access to the moral obligation program if fully passed.
HB 303: We expect this bill will move through House Ed committee on Monday, 2/10. We encourage you to visit our webpage: and send an email to the entire Education Committee stating your support. We will also reach out to have some administrators testify in person.
HB 42: This bill is off to Senate side. It creates a pilot program for ELL students to get extra dollars. We aren’t sure what the funding amounts will be until appropriations are all set.
SB 102: Some misunderstanding of what a sunset review is. A sunset review of the 8 programs in the bill means that there will be an evaluation of the program. This does not mean that the program will be eliminated at the sunset review date, but rather this sets in place a process for the legislature to look at the programs’ benefits and drawbacks. It is good to get feedback about these programs. The digital teaching and learning grant was reviewed and feedback helped it to be easier to apply for. There can be value in having a review.
HB 104, S1: Firearm safety in schools. We don’t know where this is going to land; it may not pass. The bill states there should be time in schools (2-15 minutes) to train a child what to do if they come upon a gun. As administrators, it is worth taking a look at, some pieces challenging to work through.
HB 246: SOEP. This bill is still in house rules, looking to keep it there.
HB 260, S1: Legislature would like to see schools help graduates get college prep similar to our early college high schools do. Also, recognizing some kids don’t plan to attend college, this bill puts money toward alternative career prep pathways and credentials (ie CNA, electrician, welding, etc.)
HB 344 Fees bill. Bill states each school has to have a pathway for a student to graduate without having to pay any fees, or obtain a fee waiver. Co-curricular fees may not apply.
HB 397: Requires the LEA to pay for student trip fee for students with waivers.
HB 191: Definition of packet hasn’t changed. USBE can’t go through all the packets that they must use. We understand the concern and don’t anticipate the bill passing in the form it is in now because there are so many forms of packets and state board doesn’t have staff to evaluate all packets. There hasn’t been much movement on this. Royce will check and report on next week.
SB 223: Please review this bullying bill and see how this affects schools operationally. Send Royce email with concerns or kudos.
FYI: Charter schools nationally may be in the news in April and June. Oklahoma Catholic diocese was granted authority to open and run a charter school. Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court will hear the case April 26-28. They will release their decision the last week of June. Amy Coney Barrett recused herself from case, so only 8 justices will rule. You will see news stories around it. All of charter community outside of Oklahoma sees this as a troubling possibility. We are not hearing interest of opening a religious charter school in Utah. Our state constitution and state code prohibit it. Those sections of our code will have to change if overruled by Supreme Court.
Discussion of Executive Orders. Presidential Executive Orders are given to agencies and not schools. Schools should continue their work as usual until directed by their governing agency to change. For schools that agency is the State Board of Education. For UAPCS and our federal grant, it is our Program Officer.
We will continue to monitor Executive Orders and respond as necessary. We do anticipate a EO to federal agencies (Department of Education, Department of Defense, Department of the Interior, and Department of Labor) to help expand charter schools. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is putting together three working groups to help determine how to make that happen.
We are watching to see how the Supreme Court rules on the case of a religious (Catholic) public charter school being authorized in Oklahoma.
Utah Bills:
If you have an opinion or suggestion for any of these bills, please email or call/text Royce. We value your insights! (801) 836-7028.
HB 260, S1 First credential program: Expands program to provide industry credentials to high school students. There is concern that the complexity of the bill won’t accomplish the intended purposes. If you have suggestions on CTE education and helping this bill be successful, please reach out to Royce. We are working with educators to make it easier to accomplish the goal of the bill.
HB 303 Public school directory sharing amendments: We anticipate this will be heard in the House Education Committee next week. We would love support to get this passed so all students know their school options.
HB 218 Charter school funding amendments: Schools need an investment grade rating to participate in the moral obligation program. This bill will expand the evaluation standards to allow 15-20 more schools the ability to participate.
SB 102, S2 Public education funding modifications: The bill sets sunset reviews of several programs. It also directs the legislature to put the funding into flexible allocations if the program is discontinued. The programs in the bill include the following: Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program; concurrent enrollment funding; student health and counseling support; Teacher Student and Success Program; dual language immersion; Digital Teaching and Learning Grant Program; grant for professional learning; and professional staff weighted pupil unit.
SB 111 Public education governance amendments: There are several bills that deal with how the legislature and USBE interact resulting in issues with previous USBE members. We are watching the bills, but they do not directly impact schools so may not be included in our watchlist.
HB 281 Health curriculum and procedures amendments: We would love input regarding the sexual education curriculum changes made in this bill. The recommendations for the changes have come through the state board. This bill focuses around in-school mental health counseling and sets parent-driven parameters to counseling.
Transportation: Royce is visiting with the Appropriations Committee on Monday, February 3rd to talk about charter school transportation funding. This will be an on-going discussion. We would love input from you on why transportation funding is needed. Here is a link to our Transportation Survey:
There was a question about HB 100 Food security amendments by Rep. Clancy. This bill is unlikely to pass due to its fiscal note (too expensive). This also applies to SB 173 by Sen. Escamilla.
Legislative Watchlist (Click here for PDF)
Discussion about Trump Executive Orders and affects on schools:
We are opening discussion on charter school transportation funding. Funding most likely not available this year. Questionnaire about transportation needs will be sent out (Who has a bus? Who uses public transit? Etc.)
HB 40 School Safety-Not a lot of new things added this year. Changes school safety assessment deadline to October 15. One-time money suggested allocation of $130 from governor's budget. On-going money probably doesn't exist.
HB 77 Flag Display Amendments-If a flag is displayed, it has to be on approved list. Does not define what a flag is.
HB 218/219 Charter School Funding Amendments-Continued from last year. Would double school that qualify to use the moral obligation program. Opens more funding in the revolving loan so more capital projects can be taken on.
HB 303 Public School Directory Sharing Amendments-LEAs need to share directory information.
SB 102 Public Education Funding Modifications-multiple programs under review. Bill establishes sunset dates and allocates that funding will go to flexible allocation if the program is repealed.
Programs include:
*Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts program pulled off bill since discussed on Friday, January 24, 2025 in Second substitute bill.
There was discussion around how the changes in funding stream could negatively impact some smaller schools who rely on specific funding tied to programs to be able to offer the program than a potentially lesser amount if the funding is rolled into flexible allocation.
HB 104 Firearm Safety Bill-This curriculum already exists. Held in committee.
HB 121 Health Education Amendments-Deals with mental health counseling at school
SB 111 Public Education Governance Amendments-Requires that a corrective action plan administered by the USBE has to be voted on by the USBE (not just administratively).
SB 105 Student Privacy and Modesty in Public Education-Enacts provisions regarding a student's reasonable expectation of individual privacy and personal modesty in the public education system.
There was discussion about the PTIF (Public Treasurer's Investment Fund) and the amount that some district schools carry while asking for more funding from the legislature.
Question about School Safety Grant:
Watchlist (click on image for pdf)
Thanks to those who were able to join us. The 2024 Legislative Session wraps up this Friday at should be an exciting week ahead!
Here's what we discussed:
Last Friday, Executive Appropriations Committee announced the budget, and we have good news.
Bills to watch:
February 21, 2024
The budget will be released on Friday, 2/23. We will see what educational priorities are funded. Revenue projections from 2/16 were up, so it appears that the additional 1.2% increase in the WPU should hold. The base budget did include a 3.2% increase in the WPU, so if the remaining WPU increase proposed passes, it will be a 5% increase for next year.
Here are the priority bills:
Here are the non-priority bills:
Click HERE for Downloadable PDF
February 13, 2025
The legislature is not adding too many new bills this late in the session.
Here are the bills we covered in the discussion today:
Teacher pay increase of $6K from last year has been put into on-going money but there will not be another bonus/pay increase beyond that.
February 7, 2025
Thank you for joining us! The legislative session is half over! There are 731 bills drafted and 59 passed both bodies with the governor signing 11 of them (Utah Policy email 2/6/2024). The Legislature passed 565 bills at its highest point, but we don't anticipate that many passing this year.
Budget highlights:
Education Appropriations Priorities:
Note: Highlighted items of particular application for charter schools
Rank | On-going Fund Item | Cost |
1 | WPU Value Increase -Discretionary Adjustment (1.2% for total of 5%) | $50,500,000 |
2 | Equity Pupil Funding | $21,080,000 |
3 | Rural Student WPU Add-on | $25,900,000 |
4 | BTS Arts Learning Program | $3,000,000 |
5 | PRIME Expansions | $3,500,000 |
6 | Statewide Online Education Program | $3,165,200 |
7 | Utah Fits All Scholarship | $50,500,000 |
8 | Student Credential Account Statewide Usage | $3,500,000 |
Rank | One-time Fund Item | Cost |
1 | K-12 Property Insurance Pool | $96,360,600 |
2 | Paid Professional Hours for Educators | $64,000,000 |
3 | Long-term Educational Achievement Program | $30,000,000 |
4 | Stipends for Future Educators | $8,400,000 |
5 | Excellence in Education and Leadership | $200,000,000 |
6 | Hope for Utah | $240,000 |
7 | Prior Year Plus Growth Contingency | $23,707,300 |
8 | Charter School Funding Amendments | $4,000,000 |
9 | Small/Rural District Critical Capital Loans | $50,000,000 |
10 | Teacher Development, Recruitment, and Retention Through Leadership | $3,800,000 |
11 | Teacher Supplies and Materials Increase | $1,000,000 |
Other priorities of particular interest include the following:
62 | Charter School Funding Base Program | $3,600,000 |
Here are the highlights of education bills:
January 30, 2024
Summary of Passed legislation:
Bill # | Title | Sponsor | Summary | Fiscal Note | Position | Comments | Location | Priority |
HB 29 | Sensitive material review amendments | Ivory | Removes an instructional material statewide if 3 school districts or 2 school districts and 5 charter schools find an instructional material constitutes "objective sensitive material" | ($2.2M from the USF*) | Monitor | Hoping the Senate will insist on some measure of local control on this issue | House 3rd | x |
HB 182, 2S | Student survey amendments | Lisonbee | Requires LEAs to obtain annual parental consent to administer each non-academic survey administered to students; prohibits an LEA from offering a reward or consequence re: student participation in a survey | Support | House 3rd | x | ||
HB 221 | Stipends for future educators | K. Peterson | Subject to legislative appropriations, creates a grant for educators in a preparation program who are working at an LEA, but may only be paid for their substitute work | ($8.8M from the USF) | Monitor | House Ed | x | |
HB 257, S2 | Sex-based designations for privacy, anti-bullying and women's opportunities | Birkeland | No impact | Monitor | This will pass | Senate 3rd | x | |
HB 261, S4 | Equal opportunity initiatives | Hall | Prohibits an LEA from requiring an applicant to submit a statement regarding racism writ large in order to obtain a position or gain a promotion, and prohibits an LEA from providing a training that ascribes moral judgments to individuals based on personal identity characteristics | ($452K ongoing from GF*/ITF*) | Monitor | Senate 3rd | x | |
HB 413 | Student mental health requirements | Eliason | If an LEA fails to notify the State Board whether they will be a participating LEA in the student mental health screening program, then the LEA will be presumed to be a participating LEA | Monitor | House Rules | x | ||
HB 419 | Charter school funding amendments | Walter | Expands the credit enhancement program and the charter school revolving loan account | Support | House Rules | x | ||
SB 98 S2 | Online data security and privacy amendments | Harper | Nominally requires all public and private schools use a .edu domain name, 18 months after K-12 can use that domain name. | Monitor | Definition of governmental entity doesn't include charter schools, though definition of school probably does | Senate 2nd | x | |
HB 14 | School threat penalty amendments | Wilcox | Mandates expulsion if a student makes a false threat to a school | ($45,000 from GF) | Support | Don't know that we could change this, but ALL cases seems a touch strong | Senate 2nd | |
HB 22 | Concurrent enrollment provisions | V. Peterson | Expands eligibility for the PRIME scholarship to include students in a youth apprenticeship | Monitor | Unanimously approved by the Education Interim Committee | Senate 2nd | ||
HB 82 | Public education program modifications | Pierucci | Clean up bill for a variety of education reports; removes fundraising from the definition of a fee | ($93,700 from GF) | Support | House Ed | ||
HB 84 | School safety amendments | Wilcox | Requires safety procedures, including armed guards, in all Utah public schools when school is in session (among other things) | ($6M from GF/ITF) | Monitor | House Law Enforcement | ||
HB 103 | Salary supplement for school speech-language pathlogoists and audiologists | D. Johnson | Adds to the list of eligible recipients of the TSSP speech-language pathologists of audiologists with a master's or doctoral degree | ($4,739,900) from the USF) | Monitor | Fillmore/Peterson bill is a better way to address this | House Rules | |
HB 119 | School employee firearm possession amendments | Jimenez | Provides a $500 stipend to LEAs participating in the program to buy a biometric gun safe for teachers participating in the school safety program | Monitor | House Rules | |||
HB 121 | Educator background check amendments | T. Lee | Prohibits an LEA from charging the fee to conduct a background check | Monitor | House Ed | |||
HB 105 | Tax credit for educator expenses | Birkeland | Provides for up to a $500 non refundable tax credit for eligible out of pocket expenses from counselors and teachers in schools | ($25.9M from the ITF) | Support | House Rules | ||
HB 112 | Sex education instruction amendments | Jimenez | Removes the term "human sexuality" from the definition of sex education instruction | No impact | Monitor | Need to talk to Jimenez about why? | House Rules | |
HB 167, 1S | Education innovation program amendments | Welton | Makes it easier for teachers to take advantage of the education innovation program | No impact | Support | Senate Rules | ||
HB 192 | LEA employee paid leave | Ballard | Creates a grant program for LEAs who create a qualifying leave program | ($9.2M from ITF) | Monitor | Funding would be a problem; don't like restricted funds | House Rules | |
HB 208 | Teacher licensure amendments | J. Moss | Emphasizes the importance of competency as a mechanism for obtaining a teaching license | No impact | Support | House Rules | ||
HB 247 | Statewide online education program amendments | Johnson | House Rules | |||||
HB 253 | Use of sex-designated facilities in public and higher education | Lyman | Requires public schools to have sex-designated or unisex restrooms and changing facilities, with sex defined as sex at birth | Monitor | House Rules | |||
HB 264 | Health education amendments | C. Moss | Expands the sex education curriculum to include strategies for preventing sexual assault and the legal implications of electronically sharing sexually explicit images | No impact | Monitor | House Rules | ||
HB 269 | Ten commandments in public schools | M. Petersen | Requires public schools to display the 10 Commandments prominently in the school | No impact | Monitor | House Rules | ||
HB 287 | Advanced degree scholarship program | C. Moss | Uses economic stabilization account money to pay for a scholarship for teachers seeking advanced degrees | ($200M from the Stabilization Account) | Monitor | House Ed | ||
HB296 | Reading disability amendments | Pulsipher | Adds a definition of dyslexia to the code | No impact | Monitor | House Ed | ||
HB 301 | Charter school accountability amendments | Lisonbee | Clean up bill for charter school section of the code | No impact | Support | House Ed | ||
HB 303 | School curriculum requirements | Stenquist | Prohibits schools from using their official position to endorse, promote or disparage political or social beliefs, viewpoints regarding sexual orientation or gender identity, or to encourage a student to consider changing any of the above | No impact | Oppose | House Rules | ||
HB 391 | Home school student transfer to public school amendments | Cutler | Requires LEAs to write a policy for accepting transfers of credit for home school students based on portfolio | Monitor | I don't know what the home school community will say about a portfolio | House Rules | ||
HB 418 | Student offender reintegration amendments | Matthews | ||||||
HB 420 | School code of conduct protections | MacPherson | Codifies existing code of conduct requirements between students and staff members; requires staff membrers to be trained on this code of conduct within 10 days of being employed, and annually thereafter | Monitor | House Rules | |||
HJR 18 | Joint resolution for education that encourages free enterprise and entrepreneurship | Lund | Title says it all | Support | Introduced | |||
SB 80 | Public education trust fund amendments | Riebe | Creates a trust fund to pay for local school district personnel | Oppose | Senate Ed | |||
SB 93 | School climate data amendments | Fillmore | Focuses the school climate survey on student achievement, engagement and safety | Monitor | Senate Rules | |||
SB 105 | Studenty privacy and modesty in public education | Plumb | Prohibits LEAs from requiring, encouraging or inviting students to undress or change clothing unless they can do so in a space where the facility is single-occupant, or has floor-to-ceiling walls and doors, curtains or similar privacy protections | Monitor | Not clear what impact this would have on building modifications, since none of the options are mandated | Senate Ed | ||
SB 137 | Teacher empowerment | Fillmore | Indemnifies LEAs against suits brought to enforce non-legally binding federal guidance; empowers teachers to exercise the same authority to remove a disruptive student from class as an administrator; expands the allowable uses for paid professional hours; | Support | Waiting for fiscal note | |||
SB 138 | High need school amendments | Riebe | Grant program to hire additional first year teachers in LEAs/schools that have traditional definitions of high needs | Monitor | Difficult to believe it will be funded | Waiting for fiscal note | ||
SB 158 | Youth service organizations | Grover | Would require a charter school sports league (among others) to conduct sex offender registry checks on volunteers or individuals caring or supervising for a child, unless the organization has a different legal obligation to conduct a similar background check | Monitor | Senate Rules | |||
*USF (Uniform School Fund) | *ITF (Income Tax Fund) | *GF (General Fund) |
Summary of Zoom Legislative Updates
HB 29: This is an attempt to identify how many LEAs have to have an "objective" sensitive materials issue to cause removal across all schools in the state. Currently, there is a requirement for 3 districts or 2 districts and 5 charter schools. House passed bill as is. Senate may have amendments regarding materials used in concurrent enrollment. There was a question about "age appropriate" materials. There is no statement in house-passed bill about "age appropriate" materials. The "bright line" of pornographic material requirement in law would be there be an "objective" rule about what is considered a sensitive material.
HB 182: This bill requires and opt-in from parents, typically done as one of the many beginning of the year permissions. This is considered because many of the non-academic surverys (such as SHARP or school climate surveys) may introduce sensitive topics such as drug use, bullying, etc.
HB 221: This bill carries a $9M fiscal note and so may not likely pass. This would offer $6000 for student teachers.
HB 257, SB 2: Often called the "Bathroom Bill," this states that bathrooms are for boys or girls, and that those identifying as a gender not the same as their birth certificate would use a single-occupancy bathroom, or a staff bathroom in the K-12 space. The 5th substitution passed the House and Senate. This bill has other stipulations, but we discussed the K-12 applications.
HB 261, SB 4: There are 3 parts to this bill: 1)Do not discriminate. 2)An entity cannot require employees to engage in training that asserts a group of people are significantly more important or less important than a legally protected group. A training can take place, but cannot be required. 3)An entity cannot require an employee to share what they think about a DEI requirement. This bill may have roots in a USBE training that was deemed offensive by delivery of DEI topics while also being seen as a valuable training in many aspects.
HB 413: If an LEA doesn't notify the state of their status to use or not use the mental health screener, then it will be assumed that they will use the screener. The governing board of an LEA needs to vote to use or not use and then report that decision to the state. Several charter schools were non-responsive to the state either way and so not all allocated program money was used. This default will hopefully prompt responses either way.
HB 419: There is currently a charter school revolving fund of $3M, typically given in allocations of $300K loans. This bill takes some one-time money to increase the fund to $50M and allows a school to take 25% of a project to lower the debt interest rate. Also, $4M of one-time money will be placed in the charter school reserve fund-the moral obligation program. The costs of the interest rates shouldn't prevent a charter school from growing, either from adding on to the school, building a satellite, or for new schools.
SB 98: This bill requires that schools use, and pay for, the .edu domain. Cost is estimated at about $450/year and may be required, if passed, within 1-4 years.
Discussion about other bills:
HB 303: Stenquist's controversial topics bill may not cross the finish line. Our frank discussions with him-thank you educators!-have helped him to question the requirements of the bill.
HB 84: School safety bill/armed guard in schools bill hasn't moved in the legislature partly because of the cost to implement. As drafted, this law would cost more than anyone can afford. Something may move forward about school safety but it is hard to say what it will look like.
HB 287: Spackman Moss bill about paying for educator's advanced degrees would need to come from the Economic Stabilization Account of ongoing money that is treated as one-time money. There is $481M in this account, which lawmakers have spent 7 ways over, so there may not be room for this bill to be funded-this would be the same pot of money that HB 419 would need to come from. There will be many bills with fiscal notes, possibly including this one, that may not pass.
HB 331: Welton's bill requiring incoming kindergarteners to be toilet-trained will most likely move forward. IEPs usually exempt students from some requirements.
If you have further questions, please contact or
The USBE has approved 4 vendors that are deemed compatible. Schools are not required to use these systems, but these systems have been vetted for compatibility and may have opportunity for cost savings. Please see the following Award Justification Statements for comparisons:
This powerpoint was shared in the April 24th Administrator's Retreat by Royce Van Tassell. This is a summary of the legislation passed and how it affects you at school and what, if any, policies you will need to create/implement.
Download the POWERPOINT.
The required policy samples from the USBE will be updated as they are prepared.