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2024 Charter Day on the Hill, National School Choice Week

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2023 Charter Day on the Hill, National School Choice Week

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2022 Charter Day on the Hill cancelled due to Covid

2021 National School Choice Week Videos

Due to the Coronavirus, Charter Day on the Hill was cancelled. We celebrated school choice by highlighting some great charter school students!


Utah International



Soldier Hollow


Noah Webster

East Hollywood



2020 Charter Day on the Hill, National School Choice Week

Charter Day on the Hill

Students & Candidates

National School Choice Week Waves

Mountainville Students

Capturing the Event

Rotunda Performance

Bonneville Academy

Career Path High

Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox

Thomas Wright

Aimee Winder Newton

Jon Huntsman

Greg Hughes

Jeff Burningham

Kristin Elinkowski, SCSB Chair

Royce Van Tassell, UAPCS Exe. Director

Legacy Preparatory Academy

Entheos Academy

American Preparatory Academy Strings

Utah Military Academy Drill

Esperanza Elementary Mariachi

Esperanza Elementary Mariachi

Soldier Hollow Charter School Ukulele

Capstone Classical Academy Drum Circle