Robyn Ellis is a passionate Director and Educator at Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy since June 2011. Prior to becoming the Director, she served on the Governing Board and was a founding member of the school. Robyn began her career as a Registered Nurse, graduating from Brigham Young University in 1992. She later earned two Master’s degrees in Health Care Administration and Education. She has served as Program Administrator, Community Liaison, Faculty and Adjunct Faculty at Provo/Eagle Gate Colleges and Utah Valley University. She and her husband live in Pleasant Grove. She is the mother of 4 Maeser graduates and Mimi to 3 grands. Avid traveler, reader, and workaholic.
Why do you want to serve on the UAPCS Board?
After involvement in charter schools for the past 15 years and with UAPCS more in the last 5 years directly, I have come to enjoy my association with the Board and its community members and feel it an honor to serve this community. I have a vested interest in helping charter schools succeed and want to spend my time and talents serving this community to the best of my abilities.
What specific skills and knowledge can you bring to the board?
Director of a high school charter for the past 12 years, with former board experience in public relations and marketing. Strengths and experience in organizational behavior, conflict management, crucial conversations and leadership, student performance, data analysis, systems and process improvement, and team building to name a few.
Please share your prior governing board experience.
Served on the Utah Charter Network, UHSAA Board of Directors as the charter representative, and KGMPA Board of Directors with duties in public relations and marketing, curriculum committee.
Where do you hope to see the Charter School movement in the next five years?
I hope that we can look at charter improvement with execution of mission and student performance.